Online javselenium , appium traing and Job Support on Java Selenium and Appium

 I Provide selenium Right for scratch i.e. from Java Basics to Selenium Advance and Appium Android Native automation training and also give Job Support for Java Selenium and Appium

Below are the topics that would be covered in Selenium automation

Introduction to Java – This is must to code selenium

1. Setting Development Environment - Eclipse

2. Walk through of Java concepts

3. Hello World!

4. Introduction to Java Data Types

5. Taking Input from End User

1. Numerical Data Type and Numerical Operators

2. Boolean Data Type and Operators

3. Conditional Statements [IF], and Loop [While]

1. Conditional Statement[SWITCH]

2. Loop [FOR]

3. String Data type and functions



1. Arrays

2. Hash Tables/ Map Object(Collections)

1. Java OOPs Concept

2. Concept of Classes and Objects in Java

1. Concept of Packages in Java

2. Exception Handling

3. Debugging in Java

4. General Java Programming tit-bits



Day 4 – Selenium WebDriver

Xpath Creation

Overview of Web Driver


Over view on Object identification using Chrome Developer Tools

Creating Xpath

Introduction to browser specific drivers

Setup Web Driver package on system for eclipse

Web driver class files, and their methods

Automating different HTML Elements text fields, buttons, links, check box, drop-down etc



Handling Web Table

Handling Drop Down elements

SwtichTo Command -Handling Frames, Popup Windows, Alerts

Brief about Ajax and how to handle Ajax with WebDriver

Miscellaneous actions

Working with Databses

1. JDBC –Introduction

2. Components of JDBC

3. Set JDBC with MYSQL Connector for Java Project


1. Introduction to Page Object Model

2. Usage of Page Object Model for Sample Site(Amazon Search & Add cart functionlaty)[K1] 

3. What is Test Automation Frameworks

4.    Creation of Sample Automation Framework

5. JUnit


Creating Test using TestNG

TestNG Annotations

Explanation of TestNg XML

Execution of TestNg Tests

Explanation of Testng Folder, and various result files

1. Parameterize TestNg Test – Data Provider

2. Capturing screen shots



1.  What is Maven

2. How to use Maven

3. How to created Maven projects

4. How to create Maven TestNG Classes

5. Running tests from Maven

6. How to generate reports



Selenium Jenkins Integration

Jenkins Setup

Creating Jenkins robs

Running Tests

7. Scheduling tests

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